What to do before and after your service at FACE
Pre Treatment:
Avoid Aspirin/NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin), Fish oil, and alcohol 72 hours prior to your botox appointment.
Be sure to schedule Botox/Dysport treatments at least 2 - 4 weeks before a big event. For our brides we ask that schedule 6 months prior to the big day.
Post Treatment:
Redness and bumps may be present for 10 - 30 minutes post injection.
Do not exercise for 24 hours.
Do not lay flat for 4 - 6 hours post injection.
Avoid hot tubs, steam rooms, saunas, and hot showers for 24 hours.
Avoid vigorous washing, rubbing, or massaging the treatment area for 24 hours.
Avoid makeup within 4 hours of treatment.
Bruising can occur and may last up to a week.
Pre Treatment:
Avoid Aspirin/NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin), Fish oil, and alcohol 72 hours prior to your filler appointment.
Be sure to schedule Dermal Filler treatments at least 4 weeks prior to a big event.
Post Treatment:
No working out for 24 hours.
Do not put on makeup for at least 8 hours.
Redness, swelling, bleeding, bruising, and slight tenderness are normal post injection. It is normal to be swollen for 24 - 48 hours. You can be swollen for up to 2 weeks.
Ice may be applied for swelling and tenderness.
Zyrtec or Tylenol may be used as needed for swelling and tenderness.
Sleep with two pillows under your head to elevate your head. This will help with swelling and bruising.
Avoid rubbing or massaging the area, unless told otherwise by your practitioner.
Avoid getting massages, facials, facial waxing, laser treatments, or microneedling for 2 weeks post injection.
Pressurized cabins of airplanes can cause an increase in swelling and tenderness post injection.
Call us if:
Blanching (skin turning white/palness) or a blue/dusty tint appears on the skin near the injection site. Be aware of a lace like appearance beyond the injection site.
You experience severe or throbbing pain near or at the injection site.
Call (513) 817-3980 immediately if you experience any of these signs and symptoms.
Pre Treatment:
Avoid Aspirin/NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin), Fish oil, and alcohol 72 hours prior to your treatment.
Stop using topical retinoids or tretinoins 1 week prior to treatment.
Avoid using any Alpha Hydroxy acid products (Glycolic or Lactic acid) or Salicylic acid products for 72 hours before the treatment.
If using Accutane, you must have stopped the medication 3 months prior to your SkinPen Microneedling appointment.
If you have open lesions, active cold sores, or facial dermatitis you are not a good candidate for SkinPen Microneedling.
Stop Laser Hair Removal and Waxing one week prior to treatment.
Post Treatment:
No working out for 24 hours.
Immediate pinpoint bleeding and redness will occur after the treatment.
Redness, swelling, and heat can occur on the skin for 24 - 48 hours.
Bruising, pinpoint bleeding, minor scabbing, minor breakouts, swelling and/or redness may occur and will resolve within 7-10 days of treatment.
Peeling, skin flaking, and dryness may occur 3 - 5 days after the treatment. Do not pick at the skin.
Do not apply anything to the skin 6 - 8 hours after the treatment. Apply products your practitioner recommends for proper healing.
Discuss with your practitioner when to resume your skin care regimen.
Stay hydrated and avoid the sun.
Apply sunscreen 24 hours post procedure.
Call us if:
If you experience severe swelling, redness, heat, and fluid/purulence at the SkinPen Microneedling treatment site.
Call (513) 817-3980 immediately if you experience any of these signs and symptoms.
Pre Treatment:
Avoid Aspirin/NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin), Fish oil, and alcohol 72 hours prior to your treatment.
Post Treatment:
Redness, swelling, bleeding, bruising, and slight tenderness are normal post injection.
Zyrtec or Tylenol may be used as needed for swelling and tenderness.
Avoid vigorous washing, rubbing, or massaging the treatment area for 24 hours.
Do not put on makeup, lotions, or creams for at least 8 hours.
Do not exercise for 24 hours.
It is normal and typical to experience tenderness, redness, bruising, soreness, and swelling for 3-10 days following the procedure.
It is possible to have bruising at the blood draw site.
Call us if:
If you experience severe swelling, redness, heat, and fluid/purulence at the PRP treatment site.
Call (513) 817-3980 immediately if you experience any of these signs and symptoms.
Pre Treatment:
Stay hydrated prior to your treatment.
Stop using topical retinoids or tretinoins 1 week prior to treatment.
Avoid using any Alpha Hydroxy acid products (Glycolic or Lactic acid) or Salicylic acid products for 72 hours before the treatment.
Post Treatment:
No working out for 24 hours.
Avoid touching your face for the remainder of the day.
Do not wear makeup immediately after the facial.
Pre Treatment:
Avoid using any Alpha Hydroxy acid products (Glycolic or Lactic acid) or Salicylic acid products for 72 hours before the peel.
Stop using topical retinoids or tretinoins 1 week prior to treatment.
Avoid retinol, tretinoin cream, waxing, masks, scrubs, exfoliants, tweezing, injections, or microdermabrasion prior to treatment.
Do not shave face the day of the peel
If you have open lesions, active cold sores, or facial dermatitis you are not a good candidate for chemical peels.
Post Treatment:
No exercise for 48 hours
Avoid direct sun exposure.
Use of sunscreen with SPF 30.
You may experience redness, dryness or flaking of the skin for several days or more after a peel.
Do not exfoliate, pick, pull, scratch at peeling skin.
Avoid alpha-hydroxy acids (Glycolic or Lactic acid), Salicylic acid, retinoids, and retinols for one week after the week the treatment.
Pre Treatment:
If you have a special event or vacation coming up, please keep in mind that you should schedule your treatment at least 2 weeks in advance.
Do not schedule any of the following for 4 weeks before or after Sculptra:
Dental cleaning or dental work (crowns, root canals, etc.)
Surgery of any kind
Internal device placement
Tattoos or permanent makeup
Any vaccines
Please wait 1 month before or after dermal filler
If you develop a cold/flu, cold sore, blemish or rash, etc. in the area to be treated prior to your appointment, please wait at least 2 weeks to reschedule.
Do not receive Sculptra if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Avoid using Motrin, Advil, Aleve, Ibuprofen, NSAIDs, Vitamin E, Ginkgo Biloba, or St. John's Wort 24 hours prior to your appointment.
If you have a history of a neuromuscular or immunosuppressive disorder, please get a signed note from your treating provider authorizing the use of Sculptra.
Avoid alcohol 72 hours before and after your treatment, as these may contribute to increased swelling, bruising, and irritation.
We recommend discontinuing products containing retinols (Retin-A) 3 days prior to treatments to avoid increased redness and irritation.
Please come to your Sculptra appointment with NO makeup if possible.
Post Treatment:
Massage the treatment area for 5 minutes, 5 times per day, for 5 days after your treatment.
No straining, heavy lifting, or vigorous exercise for 24 hours.
Avoid sun and UV sunlamp exposure until swelling and redness have disappeared.
Please wait 2 weeks before any other aesthetic treatments.
Cold ice packs may be applied to areas of swelling after injections. Hold for 15 minutes on the treatment area every hour.
Wearing makeup is not recommended for the next 24 hours.
You may follow your normal skincare routine tonight using gentle cleansers and light washing.
Avoid dental work, vaccines, surgeries, tattoos or permanent makeup for 4 weeks after your Sculptra appointment. Avoid dermal filler for 1 month.
Common side effects after Sculptra include swelling, bruising, tenderness/soreness, lumps, redness, and itching at the injection sites.
Visible results appear after the first few treatment sessions. For best results, it is recommended you follow the full treatment plan discussed with your specialist, which may include additional treatment sessions.
Pre Treatment:
Do NOT use the following products 2 days prior to your apt: Retin-A, retinoids, or similar vitamin A compounds, harsh scrubs or exfoliating products, or bleaching creams (unless
instructed otherwise by your provider) -
Avoid Aspirin, Vitamin E, Gingko Biloba, Ginseng, St. John’s Wort, Omega 3/Fish Oil Supplements, Ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Aleve, and other NSAIDS have a blood thinning effect. Taking these can increase the risk of bruising and swelling after injections.
Gentlemen: Shave the treatment area one day before your scheduled treatment. It is important to note that Kybella® can cause Alopecia (hair loss) in injected areas.
Do not apply any creams, lotions, perfume or makeup etc. to the treatment areas prior to being treated, prior to treatment.
To decrease the chances of lightheadedness during your treatment, ensure you have had a recent meal, including food and drink, before your procedure. Please warn the provider if you have a history of fainting.
Schedule your Kybella® appointment at least 2-4 weeks prior to a special event which you may be attending, such as a wedding or a vacation (due to bruising and prolonged swelling).
You cannot be injected with Kybella® if you have a severe rash, infection, cold sore, or blemish in the treatment area.
Do NOT consume alcoholic beverages 3 days prior to treatment (alcohol may thin the blood and increase the risk of bruising and swelling).
Consider taking Arnica Montana tablets beginning 1 week prior to injections to prevent bruising.
Avoid extreme temperatures of heat for 24 hours post treatment (i.e. Jacuzzi, hot showers etc.).
Do NOT consume alcohol or high amounts of sodium for 3 days post treatment to avoid excess swelling.
Ice packs may be used on the treated area to help with soreness, swelling, and bruising.. Ice for 15 minutes every hour. However, icing can be discontinued if uncomfortable.
Do not put makeup, lotions, etc. on the treatment area for 24 hours post injection. Keep injection sites clean.
Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours post treatment.
Sleep on your back with your head elevated to decrease swelling.
What to Expect:
You CAN experience swelling and bruising for 3-5 days post treatment, which will begin decrease over a period of a few weeks. Swelling can last up to 4 weeks.
Many patients need 2 - 4 treatments for desired results, please schedule a follow-up appointment 4-6 weeks after your first treatment.
Do NOT massage the injection site. Swelling, tenderness, bruising, numbness, and areas of firm nodules may occur and will resolve over time without intervention.
Results are not immediate. Results may be seen as early as 4-6 weeks post-treatment, but full results will not be noticed until 12 weeks post-treatment.
Do not wrap the treated area, and do not take anything to prohibit swelling the day of the treatment or for the days following treatment.
You may feel a sense of heaviness following the treatment, especially when laying on your back.