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Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a substance that promotes healing, collagen and elastin production, and tissue regeneration when injected. The platelets are taken from the patient’s blood and then spun in a centrifuge to stimulate growth factors. The PRP is injected into the face to restore skin elasticity, regenerate skin tissue, and leave skin looking youthful and healthy.

Treatment Areas: 

  • Facial (Cheek) 

  • Under eye/Tear trough

  • Hair regeneration 


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PRP is used to tighten and brighten skin within the face. It is used to restore volume by stimulating collagen and elastin growth. 

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When PRP is injected under the eyes, it repairs collagen and elastin so that the skin regains elasticity and repairs fine lines. PRP allows the skin in the tear trough region to plump up and refill the hollows under the eyes.

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PRP can be effective to help stimulate hair growth. The platelets increase blood supply to the hair follicle and can increase the thickness of the hair shaft. 


How does PRP work? 

PRP is injected into the body to help with tissue regeneration, create an increase in blood flow, increase collagen & elastin production, and growth factor production. PRP is also used as an injection is sports medicine, orthopedics, and dermatology. 

What can I expect? 

The appointment will start with a venous blood draw. The sample is spun in a ProGen centrifuge to separate the plasma from the red blood cells, and the platelet rich plasma becomes is full of growth factors. As this process is happening the patient will be numbed for comfort. The injection process is started and pre/post care instructions will be given. 

The collagen & elastin production takes 3 - 4 weeks to be produced within the skin. At FACE, we believe 3 treatments are needed to see results. Results vary per patient. 

Does getting PRP hurt? 

Prior to every treatment, we numb the skin either with a topical cream, with an injection of lidocaine, or ice. Getting PRP might feel a little uncomfortable, but our patients overwhelmingly report that it feels like a pinch. The PRP is also mixed with lidocaine, so when it is injected you should feel numb quickly. 

Redness and swelling is common after PRP injections.

What are the side effects? 

The side effects of PRP Injections are minimal. Patients can be red, swollen, or bruised post injection but should subside in 24 - 48 hours. 

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